Green boat red sails leans hard


Converting wind to joy 

Sailing is a great experience converting wind energy to movement, with the water rushing below.

There is no sensation quite like feeling the energy transfer from the sail above your head to the acceleration of the water below your toes - we love it and think you will too.

Never sailed before? - No problem

We love introducing people to the joy of sailing. For us you knowing very little about sailing is an untold pleasure, as we get to be the ones to teach you.  

We take a 'sailing is simple' approach to help get you started.

For example if a piece of equipment looks like a stick we will call it a stick - if it needs pushing we will tell you to "push the stick”.  Fancy, highly specific vocabulary are great for sounding like a "proper" sailor or communicating exactly what needs to be done while a gale howls around the rigging but does make sailing sound unnecessarily hard. For the time being we would rather just go sailing and control the boat with the “stick”.

You will soon be in control of the boat quickly and sailing for yourself with our help and support. 

More about sailing with Anyone CanAccessibility Guide For Sailing

Sailing  - More information

We sail a few types of boat depending on the venues and what you are looking for.

Dinghies are smaller lightweight boats where you can feel and see all of the processes in an immediate and unprocessed way. In dinghies the people in the boat move from side to side to help balance the power with their weight. It is physically possible for a dinghy to fall over - though unlikely. We normally use a powerboat to look after dinghies - you might get a drive of that also. Some dinghy and sailing canoes are adapted to work without the sailor having to move at all. 

Yachts are the things that people go on extended adventures in.  You can sleep in most of them and they don’t rely on people to move their weight for stability, so are great for those that don’t move well or think they might like to spend multiple days on adventure. 

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Autism and learning disabilities 

If your party benefits from very exact times and a visual time table - no problem let us know.

If your party needs a quiet and calm environment without strangers - let us know. 

Sailing for some can be confusing with lots of stimulation and conflicting information. In this instance, we will design the day around the experience and perhaps spend time in the powerboat if things get a bit much. 

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Mobility aid users 

We have 4 types of sailing boats and lots of options for people with mobility needs.

We can enable you to sail in so many ways it's easier to talk about the different ways in context with the individual sailing boats.

You can sit in: your chair, sea pig, an all-round supportive seat (canoe sailing), an active movement seat (sea pig, yacht and canoe sailing) a seat with a backrest (Sea Pig, yacht and canoe sailing) or no backrest at all but a handle for balance (Arathusa)

Read more

You can access the sailboats via; self-transfer with transfer stools or slide board (canoe sailing or sea pig), manual lifting slings (canoe sail), hoisting (sea pig, some yachts and canoe sailing) or just a helping hand to balance.

Mobility ranges from diving side to side (Arathusa), to Bum shuffling along with a slide board (Seapig) to remaining in a fixed position (Sea Pig, Canoe sailing, yacht sailing)

The likelihood of going for a swim ranges as well from the quite likely (yacht sailing) to the "it is unusual” (Canoe saling) to near impossible (Sea Pig and yacht sailing).

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Visual impairments

Sailing works well for visually impaired adventurers. Most great sailors operate by touch and feel. 

A boat can operate with a completely visually impaired team with minimal external input.

Using radios on the boats allows the team to keep close audible support without shouting. 

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Auditory Impairment 

We can include those with audio impairments via high quality and needs aware instructors.

By arrangement we can often source an assistant instrutor with a knowledge of BSL. 

We possess a bank of 2-way radios we utilise to help those with reduced hearing to understand instructions and communicate. These can output directly to earpieces or T-loop compatible hearing aids 

Fast Dingy Sailing 


Omega Sailing is a fast physical style of sailing. 

She is our only boat that you expect to end up swimming as part of the experience. 

Fantastic for those that want a wilder adventure but perhaps benefit from an onboard instrutor doing the majority of the steering.

Those with a sensory imparement may find this the most fun - steering the boat is arguably the least involved job on a baot like this. 

More Info

Canoe Sailing 


Not many people know that Canoes can be sailed. 

Which is a shame they are super simple, brilleintly. nippy and exceiillerating. 

These are solo boats just you the wind and the lake.  (and a powerfull safety boat, experienced instuctor and direct radio communication) 

We love. them for all this but also they are brilliently accessible. You can board from the shore or powerboat which is great for people with mobility or balance imparements. 

More Info

Seapig Adventure sailing boat 


SeaPig is an accessible adventure dream boat. 

She’s quick, exciting and thouroghly desingned to make sailing fun and adventurous. 

We love that SeaPig is super stable more so than many yachts.  

She is the darling of those with mobility imparements particularly because she’s super easy to get into and sail. 

Mostly she lives on Winderemere but can travel to other venues like Loch Lomond. 

Yacht Sailing

Yacht sails with sun shining through near Aaron

The full yachting experience

Coastal trips take place along the stunning west coast of Scotland

Travel by sail throughout the islands and inlets 

Arrival at Oban or Ardrossan train stations for transfer to boat

All inclusive package with food, accommodation, equipment and instruction provided.

A fantastic introduction to the sport or supported adventure for those with some experience

More Info
Canoe sailer smiles back
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Canoe Sailing 

Have a go of sailing in a lively little boat 

The day starts with building your own boat so you slowly get to learn what each bit does and how to use it an a chilled out environment. 

Then after making sure everyone is comfaratable and has suitable seating and supoprt before setting off for our first experience. We tow you to a nice quiest and low stress bit of the lake before settig you off. 

People mostly go solo but there is space for a friend, carere or helper in the boat for those that would benefit from the help. You’re not fully on your own though our nippy powerboat does sheepdog duties while the instructor gives guidance via easy to hear onboard walkie talkies. 

After a hearty lunch and reflection on the moringing, its time to get back out there, this time armed with a bit more knowlegde and techiue to see if you can sail a triangualr course  - your first sailing milestone. 

Find out more about canoe sailing
Canoe sailer smiles back

Sea Pig tiny yacht adventures

Sea Pig is a Swallow Yachts Bay Raider Expedition 

She has a huge cockpit for 5 guests, she has been adapted to facilitate a huge range of people with specific needs. 

Sea Pig is water balasted making her super stable which gives us unrivaled flexibility to do great stuff like; long journeys on the lake, learning to sail weekends, sailing camp outs or Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions. 

She has upto 4 sails flying at one time so there is no shortage for things to do, to keep the crew busy. 

Seapig Sailing webpage

Fast Dinghy Sailing 

Our Omega is a fantastic boat for a wet and wild adventure.

Set out like a racing boat  she is desinged to teach fast saling technique on a boat that is hard to break. 

If your looking for a physical, busy experiecne of sailing give us a call.

We don’t book this one  without chatting it through first with guests. 

Omega Sailng into the distance
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Yacht Sailing on Windermere

We make yacht sailing accessible to a huge range of people with specific needs. The boats themselves are not adapted in any way but with some clever kit and techniques we can improve the access and make it possible for most. 

The point is of course to be on the open sea but testing the systems and having a go makes sense on Winderemere. 

We have techniques for hoist access, mechanical help with winching and ways of moving around below. 

Try Yacht sailing Windermere
Omega Sailng into the distance
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Every one eats lunch as the yacht leans.

Coastal Sailing  

Coastal Sailing gorgeous scenes, adventure  and remote living.

For people living with disablitites and without 

Scotland is home to the most majestic coastline and sailing is the ultimate way to explore a harmony of wind, water, tide and land. 

Remote adventure with the benifit of bringing your confort and needs with you. 

Be a crew and laugh, look sacared and live life adventurously together. 

Coastal Sailing page
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Excellent accessibility icons designed by Emma Briggs Design

Emma Briggs Design

European Start up Funded 

European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development  

Europe investing in rural areas

Anyone Can: Connecting Transport Hubs to Lake Shores - Accessible Canoeing

Purchase of an accessible powered support and rescue vessel, and a mobile fleet of canoes with trailer

It is part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development 

Supported by the Cumbria Fells and Dales Local Action Group 

© Anyone Can LLP:  2019-2023  
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