Anyone Can is an Approved Activity Provider for Duke of Edinburgh Award Expeditions at all levels


We provide Accessible Duke of Edinburgh Award Expeditions in Sailing, Canoeing and Walking

We’ve got the expeditionary know-how, equipment and venues all sorted to include people living with a disability in this amazing UK right of passage.

We are an AALA licensed holder which allows us to offer adventure services to unaccompanied young people. 

Accessible expeditions that are different, not lesser. 

Upcoming Open Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions

Designed from the ground up to be both inclusive and brilliant we think these are the most inclusive expeditions going.
A true Journey option for Disabled Duke of Edinburgh Participants
No, you do not have to be disabled or have a diagnosis - come join us

13-15 August 2025
Bronze Training and Qualifying 

28-29 August 2025
Silver Training and Practice

31 August - 2 September 2025
Silver Qualifying

28-31 August 2024 
Gold Training and Practice

13-15 August 2025
Gold Training and Practice 

18-21 August 2025
Gold Qualifying 


Group Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions 

If you are an organised group or just a group of friends we can build a bespoke expedition to meet your needs and ambitions.

And of course, we can make this is great experience for anyone with a disability and fully include them. 

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How we make expeditions accessible


We know everyone's needs are different and your disability is unique.

Click here to find out the kinds of things we do that make our expeditions uniquely accessible to people living with a disability.

What transport modes do we use?


We canoe, we sail, we walk and roll across the most beautiful terrain. A lot of the time though we use a hybrid approach and do more than one thing - easier on the body and making the best of your abilities 

What makes these expeditions special 


We focus on maintaining the DNA of a great expedition. A proper journey, maximising self sufficiency, an opportunity to progress in difficulty between levels and an opportunity to truly test yourself and learn about your capabilities.

How we make the Duke of Edinburgh Award Accessible 

We journey through land and water, by sail, canoe and walking or with wheeled mobility aids. By utilising multiple methods of transport we can best leverage the accessible parts of the Lake District, keep the challenge up but also spread stresses on the body.

We train on sections of Lake Windermere and the areas surrounding paths, where we have good access to the water and all user routes. Our qualifying journeys are in the vicinity of the lakes with the venues getting progressively more challenging along with the techniques required to succeed.

A work in progress

Firstly let us address a key thing - we’re not finished - not everyone will be able to access our expeditions but loads more folks will. We think we have pushed the resources we have available to the limit of what is affordable for people - we have plans afoot to expand the range of needs to those who would need more support: this all hinges on external funding coming through.

There is not space to describe everything we do to make things inclusive but here’s a flavour in rapid-fire list form. 

Wheelchair accessed powerboat to provide rescue cover, towing and transport to venues - Stabilised canoes - using various all user paths - tall tents you can wheel inside - tall extra stable camping stoves- a pop up anywhere toilet system - radio communications - radio to headset or bluetooth - trained moving and handling staff - assistance dog friendly - campsites with good facilities — grip aids - tactile markers - electronic boat steering - capacity for carers to travel in powerboat for on-water support - canoe access hoist - a massive rollup ramp - special low temp campfire units (Gold) - WC access wild camp spot (Gold) - kit trolly - supportive seating - transfer stools - on-land canoe transfer - Tactile markers for sailing - Audio navigation system…….. and patient understanding leaders used to ensuring peoples needs are met.

Do I have to be disabled/have a diagnosis?

No not at all, please do sign up because you like the sound of it, fancy meeting others living a very different life, or just think these trips suit you best. We need numbers to run - sign up and your making the world a little bit more accessible to all.
See below for our ability guide to ALL of our open expeditions
(if you can do one you can do them all)

Expedition Ability requirements and enablers

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Sensory Abilities 


Audio aids to navigation and radio guidance

AR_V%20 %20Water%20Happy%20Guide%20Dogs%20Welcome

Water happy Assistance dogs welcome

AR_V%20 %20See%20Objects%20Clearly%20at%202m 1

Walk on rough terrain unaided 


Possible for those with no vision with support from a friend or assistant

Bring%20a%20Friend 1

Bring a buddy

Ability%20cognition%20400 3

Cognitive Abilities


Clear and concise instructions 

AR_V%20 %20Water%20Happy%20Guide%20Dogs%20Welcome

Water happy Assistance dogs welcome


Apply skills and make decisions with support

AR_C%20 %20Self%20Manages%20Day%20to%20Day 1

You will need to self manage meals, money and travel with support


Bring an assistant

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Communications Abilities 


Radio to headset and radio to Bluetooth communications 

AR_A%20 %20Can%20Hear%20Instructions%20or%20Lip%20Read 1

Hear or lip read to a functional level 

AF%20 %20BSL%20%2B%20arragment%20 %20idea%202

Ask us to see a BSL Volunteer 

AnyOne%20Can%20Volunteer%20Icon 1

Bring an interpreter

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Mobility Abilities for Journey 


Sit in alternative supportive seating


Hoist available to move between craft and chairs 

S.E Toilets

Pop up portable loo and tent available 

Available%20Facility%20 %20Manual%20Off Road%20Chair 2

Mobility Abilities for Camping 

AR_M%20 %20Can%20Sit%20Unsupported%20on%20a%20Bench%202

Self-transfer to seating of a different height

Bring%20a%20Friend 1

We can facilitate return-to-home or return-to-holiday-accommodation with your carers

Our modes of travel 

Visually impared person inspects rope markers


Sailing is a great way to complete your Duke of Edinburgh Award for anyone.

Truly adventurous, amazing settings and a lifelong skill set. For people with certain impairments, it can be the most accessible option: there are loads of different tasks to sailing so you specialise in what you can contribute (and are good at). Sailing is externally propelled which is awesome for those who struggle with travelling distances, or energy levels and there is very little load on the body.

We have a fantastic mini yacht, training boat on Windermere which can also travel to alternative destinations.

An example full programme for 
Sail training on Windermere
Two-day qualifying length of Windermere and back. Lightweight wild camping or bunkhouse (with profiling bed).

Expedition training and RYA Level 2 Qualification on Windermere
Qualifying 3 days on Loch Lomond wild camping.

Navigation and Seamanship training online ahead of course + 2 days onboard training.
Qualifying with a Coastal sailing expedition in a full-sized yacht off Largs Scotland

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Sign%20User%20 %20Hello%20Sign
Normally%20have%20full%20time%20support%20 %20option%202-2
Paddling with a woodland background - Scotland


Canoeing is a great adaptable and flexible way of travelling, transporting your kit and taking on a new form of mobility.

Canoeing can be adapted in a variety of ways from how you sit, and external stabilisation, to how you hold a paddle, you can even steer using an electronic aid.

On deep water, we can use our powerboat to provide on-water support, and a floating accessible toilet and be sure of making it to the next needed accessible camp spot.

An example full programme 
Canoe training on Windermere
2 Day - Length of Windermere Qualifying

Further training on Windermere and personal paddling award
3 Lakes Challenge Ullswater, Coniston and Derwent qualifying

1 day river and advanced manoeuvring, 1 day Canoe Sailing, personal performance award
Qualifying - Cross Scotland Paddle 5-6 days (depending on the abilites of the group)

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Sign%20User%20 %20Hello%20Sign
Normally%20have%20full%20time%20support%20 %20option%202-2
Campsite in the woods


including users of wheelchairs

We have a variety of options that can work for a range of abilities.

We can often borrow the right offroad chair for your needs if you have a mobility impairment.

We have great adapted accessible camping options as well as digital aids for navigation.

Itineraries are likely to look much like any other programme but with adaptions.

For users with mobility impairments, we often find we have to use transport either on water or bus to bring accessible sections together. 

We’ve a great range of ideas for expeditionary venues that meet various needs and aspirations.

So, give us a shout and we'll work with you to plan a suitable expedition.

We have qualified trainers, supervisors, assessors and an outdoor occupational therapist who work together, to help make the expedition suitable, fun and a positive experience for you and your team

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Wheelchair%20 %20Head%20Rest-2
Normally%20have%20full%20time%20support%20 %20option%202-2
Person using a gantry hoist to access canoe

DofE for Non-Transfering and close-at-hand care needs

This is a new project we’re working on - a truly adventurous approach to DofE expeditions for what is often, sadly, a left-out group of individuals.

This journey holds true to the value of travelling through the environment with purpose and skill.

We leverage the unique access Windermere offers to Canoe, Sail and travel on accessible paths to circumnavigate the Lake over 4 Days. Travelling between 3 hoist points on the lake shore and using the local hoist and changing place equipped accommodation at the central point of the lake.

This is Gold Level and a working example of what can be achieved - we’ve built this to be direct entry gold to meet the needs of the young people who are likely to enter straight to gold to complete the scheme before leaving their supporting organisation.

A Silver or bronze option is possible on Coniston leveraging only walking and Canoeing and portable hoists and the same accommodation. 

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Accessible Duke of Edinburgh Award Residentials 

Many of our open trips and expeditions would meet the requirements for the Duke of Edinburgh's Residential Element. 
Rock Climbing in Spain
Paddling across Scotland
Scottish Yacht Sailing

We’re always happy to help so do drop us a line if you would like to use these as your residential.

Send us a message


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Excellent accessibility icons designed by Emma Briggs Design

Emma Briggs Design

European Start up Funded 

European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development  

Europe investing in rural areas

Anyone Can: Connecting Transport Hubs to Lake Shores - Accessible Canoeing

Purchase of an accessible powered support and rescue vessel, and a mobile fleet of canoes with trailer

It is part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development 

Supported by the Cumbria Fells and Dales Local Action Group 

© Anyone Can LLP:  2019-2023  
All rights reserved